


The 海盗飞船 is a free service that operates during evening, 深夜, and early morning hours. The 海盗飞船 is driven by a North Park Security officer, providing an additional level of safety for passengers.
When the 海盗飞船 is 不 in service, students may be able to use the North Park security escort service. 车辆 and walking security escorts are available to assist individuals who are in need of transportation assistance or have safety concerns.

海盗飞船 Details

  • 小时: 7:00 p.m.–2:00 a.m. when school is in session. Not operational during fall, winter, spring, and summer breaks.
  • 免费的: Must show North Park ID to board
  • 请求搭车: Call (773) 244-5600 or use your LiveSafe app and provide the dispatcher with your location and destination.

If you have any questions about the 海盗飞船, please contact North Park 校园安全.

Security Escort Service

North Park 校园安全 escorts are one option for students, 教师, and staff who find themselves unsure or uncomfortable in their surroundings or in need of transportation assistance around campus and to select nearby locations. 校园安全 officers are available to provide walking or vehicle security escorts on an as-needed basis and for safety reasons; this is 不 a service designed for convenience.

Security Escort Service Details

  • 小时: 从黄昏到黎明,但 不可用 从晚上7点开始.m.–2:00 a.m. 而 海盗飞船 在使用中
  • Daytime security escorts may be provided for special circumstances, including illness and injury.
  • Request a security escort: (773) 244-5600
  • You will be asked to provide your North Park ID number, pick-up location and destination, and a cell phone number. You may be asked to show your ID when your security escort arrives.

Security Escort Destinations

  • escorts are limited to campus facilities.
  • 车辆 escorts are limited as follows:
    • Campus-to-campus locations
    • Kimball Brown Line “L” Stations
    • 瑞典医院
    • Off-campus locations for students who have after-hours campus jobs, such as desk attendants
    • 护送可能 be utilized to and from off-campus housing, stores, and restaurants